시티즈 스카이라인 harmony - sitijeu seukailain harmony

This is a dependency for various other mods.

It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library[github.com] (version 2.2) to all mods that require it.

It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limited cross-compatibility for Harmony All of those versions are still used by various mods. The patching is necessary because Harmony 1.x is incompatible with 2.x.

This workshop item will be updated to the latest stable Harmony 2.x version in periodic intervals.

Why did this mod suddenly appear in my content manager?

Some mods might force an automatic subscription to this mod. It is safe to assume that this mod is required by some other mod you have installed.

Do I have to enable it in content manager?

It doesn't matter. Other mods will use the files provided by this mod, no matter if it is enabled for not.

Mods that are incompatible with this mod

  • Other mods that provide Harmony 2 (such as Harmony Experimental or "Harmony (redesigned)")

Source & Documentation for Mod Developers[github.com]

For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect my own views and interests, and are not created nor maintained as part of my job. Like all user generated content, this is not officially supported content and should be used at your own risk.

문제가 있는 제작자 창작마당 

Steam 커뮤니티 :: Chaos :: 창작마당 아이템 (steamcommunity.com)

Steam 커뮤니티 :: Holy Water :: 창작마당 아이템 (steamcommunity.com)

다른 모드도 있는데 얘네가 올린 것 중 대중적인것

하모니 Steam 창작마당::Harmony (redesigned) (steamcommunity.com) 

TMPE Steam 창작마당::Traffic Manager (Curated TM:PE version (steamcommunity.com)

Network extensions 3  Steam 창작마당::Network Extensions 3 (Backup your mods now) (steamcommunity.com)

정상 모드

하모니 Steam 창작마당::Harmony 2.2-0 (Mod Dependency) (steamcommunity.com)

TMPE Steam 창작마당::TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition) (steamcommunity.com)

Network extensions 2 Steam 창작마당::Network Extensions 2 (Updated for Sunset Harbor) (steamcommunity.com)

또는 모음집 Steam 창작마당::Network Extensions 2 Roads Replacement Complete List (steamcommunity.com)

A warning about NeXT3 :: Cities: Skylines 일반 토론 (steamcommunity.com)

위에 NE3 이상하다는 얘기는 진작 있었고, 그 전부터 하모니2 나오면서 말이 많았던 사람들이라네

대충 보니 boformer라는 사람이 하모니2로 1.X 버전이랑 잘 호환되게 만들어줌

근데 이놈들이 코드를 베껴서 지들만의 하모니 2를 출시함 (옛날부터 하모니 버그 체크가 잘 안됐고 그걸 고친 버전이라 주장하면서)

그 와중에 원래 코드에 있던 저작권같은걸 다 지웠나봐 -> 코드 라이센스(법적) 문제 발생

당연히 boformer는 이놈들한테 원래 저작권 표기 넣으라고 함

결국 저작권 표기를 넣었다고는 하는데 여기까지 오는 과정에서 이놈들이 갑자기 음모론을 펼침

NE2에 있는 도로가 매스트랜짓 dlc에서 주는 도로랑 비슷하니 colossal order에서 boformer한테 NE2 작동 못하게 (혹은 성능이 떨어지게끔) 방해를 했고

지들 베껴온 하모니는 NE2를 구동하게끔 해주니 CO에서 boformer를 밀어주고 지들을 박해하는거다

compatibility report에 malware가 있다 뭐 하여간 별 지랄같은 얘기를 하면서 피해자인척 함

(Steam 커뮤니티 :: 그룹 :: Harmony for Games (steamcommunity.com) - 이 페이지 만들어서 그냥 이런 내용을 써제끼고 퍼뜨렸나봄)

물론 애초에 베껴온건 지들이면서 왜 이러는지는 몰?루

여러 페이지 읽으면서 안건데 위에 chaos/holy water라는게 다 동일 인물이라고 하네

밴되서 아이디 다시 팠다는것 같음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

나는 NE3 소개란이랑 토론 보면서 그냥 또라이같아서 NE3 구독 해제했는데

NE3 코드 일부인데 assholes, troll이라면서 스팀 아이디 나열되어 있음 ㅋㅋㅋ 

여기서 저 숫자들이 NE3 창작마당 페이지에서 지 맘에 안드는 말 하는 놈들, CO직원들, TMPE 모드 제작자들 steam ID래 ㅋㅋ

지금 밝혀진 바에 의하면 악성 코드랍시고 넣어둔게

도로 속도를 랜덤한 값으로 지멋대로 바꾸는 정도이긴 하지만 시린/시청년/시붕 쓰지 않는게 좋을듯

(더 자세한 내용은 Steam 커뮤니티 :: TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition) :: 토론 (steamcommunity.com) 참고)


이상한 하모니, NE3, TMPE 쓰지들 마셈


This is a dependency for various other mods.

It provides Andreas Pardeike’s Harmony patching library[github.com] (version 2.2) to all mods that require it.

It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limited cross-compatibility for Harmony All of those versions are still used by various mods. The patching is necessary because Harmony 1.x is incompatible with 2.x.

This workshop item will be updated to the latest stable Harmony 2.x version in periodic intervals.

Why did this mod suddenly appear in my content manager?

Some mods might force an automatic subscription to this mod. It is safe to assume that this mod is required by some other mod you have installed.

Do I have to enable it in content manager?

It doesn’t matter. Other mods will use the files provided by this mod, no matter if it is enabled for not.

Mods that are incompatible with this mod

  • Other mods that provide Harmony 2 (such as Harmony Experimental or "Harmony (redesigned)")

Source & Documentation for Mod Developers[github.com]

For full transparency: I am an employee at Colossal Order, however this is my personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect my own views and interests, and are not created nor maintained as part of my job. Like all user generated content, this is not officially supported content and should be used at your own risk.



Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.


최신 우편물
